Підсумки участі у міжнародному проєкті Terminology Without Borders

Підсумки участі у міжнародному проєкті

Terminology Without Borders

Terminology Without Borders – це новий проєкт співпраці між Підрозділом Європейського парламенту з координування термінології (the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament) та університетами, агенціями ЄС/ООН й громадськими організаціями за підтримки Генерального директорату з питань перекладу Європейського парламенту (the European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Translation (DG TRAD)). Ключовою метою проєкту є створення й поширення термінологічних ресурсів.

До роботи у проєкті були залучені здобувачі освіти другого року навчання спеціальності 035.041 Філологія. Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно), перша – англійська, які вивчають дисципліну «Термінознавство» (викладач – доцент Ольга ТАРАСОВА). Студенти досліджували еквіваленти у рідній мові, далі відбувалася перевірка й рецензування експертами партнерських організацій. Очікуваним результатом стала публікація створених глосаріїв у Міжвідомчій термінологічній базі даних Європейського Союзу.

Зокрема, було обрано 5 напрямів:

термінологія у галузі освіти YourTerm EDU https://yourterm.eu/edu-university-projects/#

продовольчої безпеки YourTerm FOOD https://yourterm.eu/food-university-projects/

захисту довкілля YourTerm ENVI https://yourterm.eu/envi-university-projects/

юридична термінологія YourTerm Juri https://yourterm.eu/juri-university-projects/

ІТ термінологія YourTerm TECH https://yourterm.eu/tech-university-projects/

Education & Education Systems

YourTerm EDU is a terminology project on education and education systems. It aims at creating multilingual glossaries which will enable people from different schooling systems and backgrounds to reach mutual understanding of each country’s standards and concepts in this field. By classifying relevant terminology, this project contributes to clarify and harmonise the communication among different communities and societies in  the diversified and constantly changing scenario of international and intercultural education.

The following sub-projects were chosen:

Education Systems

Each country has specific education and schooling systems: although it is not always possible to compare them, this sub-project aims to classify them and give functional equivalents in several languages.

General Education

The broad field of education includes terminology from many different domains. This sub-project collects relevant terminology about educational stardards and organisation, teaching methodologies and learning techniques, and other general terms.

YourTerm FOOD

Promote the high quality EU food through linguistic consciousness

YourTerm FOOD is a terminology project aiming at creating multilingual glossaries about the food industry and gastronomy fields and promoting gastronomy as an essential part of our European heritage and education. This project is necessary to promote the high quality European food that is deeply linked to its local traditions and different landscapes. It is essential to raise the awareness and knowledge of citizens on food in the European Union attract interest on an international level.

The following sub-projects were chosen:

Food Safety

Food Safety is one of the main topic at stake, which is strictly connected with health. Every citizen has the right to know how the food they eat is produced, processed, packaged, labelled and sold. Therefore, this sub-project describeі how food safety policies are implemented, what are the effective control systems and the compliance with EU standards.

Novel Food and New Eating Habits

The unprecedented rise of new eating habits determined by a multitude of factors – especially cultural, religious, economic, environmental, social, and political ones – has led to the emergence of new concepts in need for designation. This, coupled with the increasing demand for foods with little or no history of consumption and/or production within the European Union, asks for the development of terminological resources that would promote broader knowledge and denominative stability, and thus help ensure consumer protection. 

YourTerm ENVI

Environment & Conservation 

YourTerm ENVI is a terminology project aiming at creating multilingual glossaries in the field of environment and conservation, and at promoting the harmonisation of environmental terminologies.Conservation of the global environment is one of the major issues at stake to define the future of contemporary societies: committing to a more sustainable and fair development is surely the key for the protection of all ecosystems.The following sub-projects collect and classify relevant terminology in the macro-field of environment:

Climate Change

One of the most topical issues of current times, climate change includes terminology from a variety of disciplines and research fields, from science and biology to communication, health, and social studies.

Nature and Biodiversity

All natural environments are incredibly rich in biodiversity. In this sub-project, terms about natural environments, biodiversity and its forms are collected.

YourTerm Juri

Juridical and Legal terminology

YourTerm JURI aims to collect relevant terminology in the field of justice and legal terminology. It will serve as a valuable resource for the harmonisation of international terminology, as well as a reliable source of country-specific information on legal and normative systems.

The following sub-projects were chosen:

Global Terrorism

Terrorism is one of the most delicate issues of our societies. As terrorist violence increases and becomes more and more diversified, multilingual glossaries on this topic may provide further support in dealing with it.

Competition Law

Competition law is the body of legislation intended to prevent market distortion caused by anti-competitive practices on the part of businesses. In the United States, Canada and the European Union, competition law is also known as Antitrust law.

YourTerm TECH

Get to the heart of the EU digital development

YourTerm TECH will provide terminology, as well as useful knowledge, in the complex IT and Social Media fields. Due to the ongoing technological development of our society,  this project will be a useful resource to promote consistency and correct use of new practices, tools and discoveries which need to be quickly named.The importance of this project is that technology and social media are the key to keeping the European Institutions and to carrying out the work which affects the lives of millions of European citizens.

The TECH project covers the following sub-projects:

Audiovisual TerminologyThis subproject will give you an insight on the wide audiovisual field, focusing in particular on filmaking, subtitling, dubbing and voiceover.

Digital Humanities (DH)

Digital humanities (DH) is an area of scholarly activity at the intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines of the humanities. It includes the systematic use of digital resources in the humanities, as well as the analysis of their application.